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Carolyn Brands, Dipl. Heilpädagogin + Heilpraktikerin Psychotherapie
Unsere letzten 5 Bewertungen bei Google:
Carolyn is a colleague I can only recommend. Not only does she master the art of the therapy methods she offers, she also brings with her the remaining ingredients that are necessary for a therapeutic refuge. Empathy, clarity and always at eye level when dealing with clients and patients. I value your opinion in professional exchanges and enjoy working with her on various projects. Absolute recommendation.
Thomas Theuerzeit
27. Juni 2023
Niemand weiß, was er kann, wenn er es nicht versucht.
Publilius Syrus
Bin sehr glücklich Frau Brands empfohlen bekommen zu haben. Einfühlsam, lieb und kompetent, es wirkt?☺️??
Aleks Nowo
30. September 2019
I came to Ms. Brands after many years of treatment by a statutory health insurance doctor, including stays in clinics.
I was tired of just scratching the surface and yet not changing anything.
It was very different with Ms. Brands.
Here you can see that it is not about keeping the patient as long as possible, but about really helping them.
She is a great person who specifically responds to the needs and adapts the therapy.
At the right time, she lovingly nudges you in the right direction to avoid taking the path of least resistance again.
I can only recommend Ms. Brands to anyone who wants to finally face their problems and change something.
Even if the path is sometimes hard, it is worth it.
18. Juli 2022
Erschöpft und ausgebrannt habe ich mir bei Frau Brands Hilfe gesucht und auch gefunden. Dank EMDR, ausführlichen Gesprächen und anderer Sichtweisen auf die Dinge kam schnell die Besserung. Die anwesenden Hunde waren einfach spitze und zum Ende saß die "Kleine" sogar auf meinen Schoß:-) Ich fühl mich gut, erleichtert und würde jederzeit wieder zu ihr gehen. Danke!
Annika Duggert
27. April 2020
Ms. Brands understood our family situation very quickly and the therapy could begin just 2 weeks after the first contact. With her somewhat unusual nature and her large variety of different therapy directions, she was able to help us enormously after the first three days. The successes grew from time to time. Every time a new problem arose, she found a solution. Even in spite of the long distance, a close exchange is possible thanks to your constant availability via WhatsApp. This also gives us a lot of security in everyday life. She is very ambitious in using her therapy to get to the root of the problems and to solve them, and is only satisfied when her goal has been achieved. The possibility to come for several hours in a row and several days in a row is great and brings a lot. We are very happy and grateful to have found a great and extremely competent therapist in Ms. Brands who is very keen to really solve the problems. Based on our experience, we can only strongly recommend the therapy at Ms. Brands! Thank you for your help?
Sabine Göhner
8. Februar 2021
Ms. Brands was recommended to me by a colleague with the words: You and your animals are absolute professionals. I can confirm this 100%. Ms. Brands managed to find the cause of my problems in a very short time and worked with me on it in a targeted manner. Her dogs Elisa, Charlie and Manou were always by my side when I needed them, especially when I was sad and crying. A whole new wonderful experience to work with animals that I don't want to miss anymore. On the last compact day, work with the horses was also included. These animals are an absolute mirror and have opened my eyes even more to where I stand and where my journey is going. I can wholeheartedly recommend working with Ms. Brands if, as she puts it, you want to get out of the “swamp” and not just scratch the surface. What I would also like to emphasize is that she works holistically (body and mind) and includes the opinions and diagnoses of naturopath colleagues and medical professionals. In my case it was extremely important. Thank you very much.
H. M.
18. Dezember 2022
Ich habe Frau Brands‘ Hilfe vor einem Jahr für meinen da 7 jährigen Sohn in Anspruch genommen. Durch lange Wartezeiten auf eine Ergotherapie sind wir darauf gekommen, privat als Selbstzahler zu ihr zu gehen. Sie ist u.a. sehr erfahren in der Arbeit mit Kindern. Mein Sohn hat von ihrer Hilfe sehr profitiert. Er kommt nun im Alltag und im Umgang mit anderen Kindern viel besser zurecht. Obwohl die Termine emotional sehr anstrengend für ihn waren, ist er gerne dorthin gegangen. Die Tiere fördern die angenehme Atmosphäre und unterstützen die Erfolge der Therapie. Auch mir als Mutter hat Frau Brands einige Impulse gegeben. Ich habe sie als sehr direkt erlebt. Sie redet nicht um den heißen Brei herum. „Therapeutengeschwafel“ wird man bei ihr nicht erleben. Das mag vielleicht nicht für jeden passen. Bei uns hat es gut gepasst, daher würde ich sie weiterempfehlen und bei erneuten Problemen auch jederzeit wieder zu ihr gehen.
Judith Rust
7. März 2021
I came to Ms. Brands after many years of statutory health insurance therapy including hospital stays.
I was tired of just scratching the surface and not making any changes.
Things were completely different with Ms. Brands.
Here you realize that the aim is not to keep the patient for as long as possible, but to really help.
She is a great person who specifically addresses needs and adapts therapy.
At the right time, she lovingly nudges you in the right direction so that you don't take the path of least resistance again.
I can only recommend Ms. Brands to anyone who finally wants to face their problems and change something.
Even if the journey is sometimes hard, it is worth it.
18. Juli 2022
Ms. Brands was recommended to me by a colleague with the words: You and your animals are absolute professionals. I can confirm this 100%. Ms. Brands managed to find the cause of my problems in a very short time and worked specifically with me on it. Her dogs Elisa, Charlie and Manou were always by my side when I needed them, especially when I was sad and crying. A completely new, wonderful experience working with animals that I no longer want to miss. On the last compact day, work with the horses was also included. These animals are an absolute mirror and have opened my eyes even more to where I stand and where my journey is headed. I can wholeheartedly recommend working with Ms. Brands if, as she says, you want to get out of the “swamp” and not just scratch the surface. What I would also like to emphasize is that she works holistically (body and mind) and takes into account the opinions and diagnoses of alternative practitioner colleagues and medical professionals. Was extremely important in my case. Thank you very much.
H. M.
18. Dezember 2022
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